Tax – Accounting Area

Tax – Accounting Area




M&M Costamed Consulting  offer fiscal advice for companies in order to bring added value to the client and we should be cautious to have the lowest possible tax risks.




Tax procedures for the beggining of commercial activities.


Periodical and annual  statements.


Non-resident taxes.


Consultations and advice on fiscal topics.


Formalization of postponements, tax settlements, payment instalments plan of the tributary liquidations, previous analysis of the situation of the company and fiscal planning


Fiscal diagnosis of the company or heritage


Permanent service of information about normative innovations or interpretive criteria


General accounting for SMEs, individuals, foundations / associations.


Countable Obligatory books


Annual accounts: Balance sheet, profit and loss account, memory and registration in the corresponding mercantile register.


Periodic reports of the countable situation.


Meetings follow-ups.

Update of backward accountings.


We proceed with such writings as dealings, cancellations, novations, mortgages and we also act as verbal agents.


Procedures: Management and tax income, Actions of Checking and Inspection, Economic – administrative Claims, Contentious – administrative Resources and  consultations to  the  General Directorate of taxes.

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